The method of reporting that is recognized in the media as “real-time” entails portraying the events of the story as they occur. The storyline of a movie that runs for two hours and is set in real-time will cover both hours of the film’s running duration with events that never happened. Suppose a daily real-time comic strip is written for a period of six years, then by the completion of the strip. In that case, the characters will have aged six years from the time the strip first began until the time it ends.

The degree of accuracy that can be achieved through the application of this technology varies. In certain narratives, the amount of time spent on the screen corresponds to the passage of literal time. 

The following are three examples of real-time structure in stories:

  1. 12 Angry Men
  2. My Dinner with Andre
  3. High Noon

In this regard, certain types of screenplays can be challenging, and as a result, it is frequently necessary to devise a method for driving both the action and the motivation of the characters.

There are no pauses in the action, no skips in chronological order, no flashbacks, or anything else of the type. The narrative is relayed in its entirety and without any edits or breaks. Screenwriters seeking to apply this framework to their scripts need to be aware that every moment is significant to succeed.

In cinema, the presentation of a sequence in its whole, unaltered and uncut, without any cuts or skips in time between events. The term “real-time” refers to a technique used in the media in which events are shown to the audience at the same rate at which they take place in the story.

The real-time structure is a great story structure to use. It is a great help in creating screenplays, especially with many new novels coming out that need that kind of story structure. However, using or mastering real-time structure can be difficult. Still, if you put in the effort and continue to learn about it, you will discover that real-time structure is a great story structure to use.


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